Friday 5 October 2012

NUCLEATION IS BUDDING OF A THERMODYNAMIC PHASE.When lecture begins initial reaction of students (cheerful faces) shows nucleation of concept in mind.SOLUBILITY is concentration of a saturated solution,for higher concentration precipitation occurs in supersaturated state. As lecture comes to end, red faces, one hand pulling hair legs shaking, shows precipitation will occur if anymore concept is delivered....

Whenever I read lines of PAULO COHELO If youreally want something from heart whole worldconspires to fulfill your dreams. I realize its reallytrue.In late seventies legend Kapil wanted to gettraining in academy of Cricket Australia. He approached BCCI but was refused any help. Afterhearing this news great character artist PRANSAHAB wrote to BCCI that he is willing to pay allthe expenses incurred but such a great talentshould not be denied of basic facilities.Finally afterPRAN SAHAB's letter BCCI woke up and did the needful.Believe me god is always watching your sincereefforts, KEEP REACHING FOR YOUR DREAMS.

Theory of relativity1. in Hindi movies last half an hour of climax goesto show the events leading to diffusing bomb thathas timer set for 5 minutes 2. entire year of episodes are telecast to showevents occurring in two days of a marriage.Sometimes four year back in timeline is putforward by four years ahead in timeline but skinof characters doesn't show any aging. 3.For students in examination hall, fellow studentsB,C,D attachment sheets seem to fill faster thanown A answer sheet. 4. In ATM others seem to take longer time thanyou. 5.The Que in which you stand always appears tobe longer and also moving slowly.

While studying on Steve Jobs I came across one ofthe great statements "You only get to do a limited number of things inyour life" " Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn'tmatter to me... Going to bed at night saying we've donesomething wonderful, that's what matters to me" "Quality is always much better than quantity. Onehome run is much better than two doubles" Gardeners nip buds of the ahlia orchrysanthemum flowers leave just few buds sothat healthy flowers bloom and entire energy ofplant is utilized on few selective flowers.People who nurture many thoughts. Keep onchanging plans every minute succeed in developing number of flowers but not healthy. FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTH PRUNE/ ELIMINATE THEDIVERTING ACTIVITIES

When a small ball is dropped in a viscous liquid,initially referred as t=0 and position x=0,itaccelerates but with time the acceleration goes ondecreasing because viscous drag force dependson velocity, eventually terminal velocity isattained. Life is like that at this moment all of you havemaximum acceleration but with time growth rategoes on decreasing, use these momentsconstructively before terminal velocity isattained...

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard workso most people don't recognize them. Opportunityis missed by most people because it isdressed in overalls and looks like work.APPARENTLY THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN NOTHAPPEN TODAY Set your t=0 and x=0 now its never late to beginand no preferred position to begin.

I always mess with my papers, books many timesit takes hours to search them each day I looseprecious time this way. Never make a properrecord of solution of problems, it wastes time andcreates clutter in my mind. Nature is very well organized, each electron isfilled in energy states according to Pauli's principleand Hund's rule...